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The District of Squamish is exploring options for an all ages and abilities (AAA) bike route from downtown to Brackendale, on the west side of the highway. An AAA bike route is designed to meet the needs of more cyclists than a standard bike lane. It feels safe and comfortable for all users, including children, seniors, people with disabilities, and new riders.
Project Background:
The District's Active Transportation Plan outlines the need for an improved bike route on the west side of the highway. It suggests creating protected bike lanes on the Government Road corridor.
There is an existing on-street bike lane that follows the Government Road corridor. This is known as a "fast-commuter route" that allows cyclists to travel quickly. However, the lack of protection from vehicle traffic may make the route less comfortable for children, families, and less experienced riders. The goal of this project is to identify a route between downtown and Brackendale that is safe and comfortable for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.
The District is considering a variety of route options, as well as different types of cycling facilities to meet the goals of an AAA bike route. These could include:
Protected bike lanes
On-street bike lanes
Off-street bicycle pathways
Multi-use pathways
We need your input as we determine the best route, and to help identify which cycling facility types will make the route most comfortable for all riders. We want to know:
What are the key destinations you need to get to between downtown and Brackendale on the west side of the highway?
What transportation mode (walk, bike, bus, vehicle, etc) do you use to travel between downtown and Brackendale on the west side of the highway?
What are the existing challenges you experience travelling between downtown and Brackendale on the west side of the highway?
Opportunities to provide input are now closed. They were open from June 16 - July 17, 2023. Staff are reviewing what we heard now and will share what we heard with the community soon.
The District of Squamish is exploring options for an all ages and abilities (AAA) bike route from downtown to Brackendale, on the west side of the highway. An AAA bike route is designed to meet the needs of more cyclists than a standard bike lane. It feels safe and comfortable for all users, including children, seniors, people with disabilities, and new riders.
Project Background:
The District's Active Transportation Plan outlines the need for an improved bike route on the west side of the highway. It suggests creating protected bike lanes on the Government Road corridor.
There is an existing on-street bike lane that follows the Government Road corridor. This is known as a "fast-commuter route" that allows cyclists to travel quickly. However, the lack of protection from vehicle traffic may make the route less comfortable for children, families, and less experienced riders. The goal of this project is to identify a route between downtown and Brackendale that is safe and comfortable for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.
The District is considering a variety of route options, as well as different types of cycling facilities to meet the goals of an AAA bike route. These could include:
Protected bike lanes
On-street bike lanes
Off-street bicycle pathways
Multi-use pathways
We need your input as we determine the best route, and to help identify which cycling facility types will make the route most comfortable for all riders. We want to know:
What are the key destinations you need to get to between downtown and Brackendale on the west side of the highway?
What transportation mode (walk, bike, bus, vehicle, etc) do you use to travel between downtown and Brackendale on the west side of the highway?
What are the existing challenges you experience travelling between downtown and Brackendale on the west side of the highway?
Opportunities to provide input are now closed. They were open from June 16 - July 17, 2023. Staff are reviewing what we heard now and will share what we heard with the community soon.
Project initiation and background research (February-April 2023)
All Ages and Abilities Transportation Route Study has finished this stage
Initial goal setting and information gathering.
Public Consultation (Spring/Summer 2023)
All Ages and Abilities Transportation Route Study is currently at this stage
Understand existing challenges, resident's travel needs, and key destinations on the west side of the highway.
Recommended All Ages and Abilities Route Report (Fall 2023)
this is an upcoming stage for All Ages and Abilities Transportation Route Study
The report will include a recommended route with mapping, identification of major constraints, and high level cost estimates.
Fast Commuter Route Review (Fall/Winter 2023)
this is an upcoming stage for All Ages and Abilities Transportation Route Study
The final stage of this project is a high level consideration of the current fast commuter route along the Government Road corridor (the existing bike lane).
It's anticipated that where possible, the fast commuter route will be maintained separate from the all ages and abilities route. This part of the project will provide initial recommendations on how the existing fast commuter route can be improved.