Each year, the District prepares a Five-Year Financial Plan to deliver services and programs to support Squamish today and into the future. The Financial Plan is informed by a series of master plans, a strategic plan, and guided by the Official Community Plan. It reflects key principles to achieve fiscal responsibility and financial stability, and ensure taxes do not fluctuate greatly year to year.

The Financial Plan impacts us all, everyday. Each time you turn on a tap, visit a District park, or walk down a street, you are seeing your municipal budget at work.

On December 20, 2022 Council adopted the 2023-2027 Five Year Financial Plan.

The District sought community feedback on the proposed 2023-2027 Financial Plan to better understand public priorities.

On December 6, 2022, staff presented to Council the feedback received during the budget engagement from July 20 - November 30, 2022. That report can be found here.


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