Perth Drive Active Transportation Improvements

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Consultation has concluded

Perth Drive looking south

The District of Squamish gathered public feedback on an alternative approach to active transportation infrastructure on Perth Drive.

A survey was open from May 19 - June 13, 2022 to learn about whether the community supports replacing the existing downhill bike lane with a sidewalk for the short/medium term. The survey was shared online via email and social media. A letter was also delivered to nearby residents with a link to the survey.

The survey received 76 responses. 64.5% of respondents were in favour of replacing the bike lane on the west side of Perth Drive with a sidewalk. A summary of the comments received from survey respondents is available here. Feedback such as retaining trees, adequate crosswalks, and a lighting review have been included in the design.

An earlier survey on traffic calming and active transportation in the area received 541 responses with 78% of respondents supportive of active transportation improvements on Perth Drive.

Based on the feedback received, the District is proceeding with the project. Budget has been included in the 2023-2027 Financial Plan to build the sidewalk on the west side of Perth Drive. The project will be funded through development cost charges (DCCs) and a grant. Work is anticipated to begin in 2023 pending contractor availability.

In the longer term, when funding is available to upgrade the east side, The District will explore constructing bike lanes on both sides of the street.


In the Spring of 2021 the District conducted a public survey regarding traffic calming and active transportation on Highlands Way North and Perth Drive. Based on the feedback collected in that survey, speed tables have since been installed on Highlands Way North.

The survey also indicated strong public support for active transportation improvements on Perth Drive. At the time of the survey, the proposed design included adding a sidewalk and bike lanes in both directions. Figure 1 shows the initial concept for Perth Drive.

After the survey, the District completed a detailed design for active transportation improvements along Perth Drive. The estimated cost to complete Phase 1 of the work, from the Boulevard to Portree Way, was $1.2M. The District applied for grant funding to begin the proposed improvements, but unfortunately was not successful.

Without the grant funding, the District is not able to complete all of the Phase 1 upgrades within existing budget constraints.

The alternative is to upgrade just the west side of Perth Drive initially. This requires a different design as less space is available. In this design, the existing bike lane on the west side of Perth Drive would be removed and replaced with a sidewalk in the short-to-medium term. Figure 2 provides a visual of this.

In the longer term, when funding is available to upgrade the east side, bike lanes would be constructed on both sides of the street. Figure 3 show a visual of the full build.

If residents are not supportive of replacing the downhill bike lane with a sidewalk, the District would continue to look for options to complete the full build. The timeline for this full upgrade would be dependent on funding becoming available and would be very uncertain.

Perth Drive looking south

The District of Squamish gathered public feedback on an alternative approach to active transportation infrastructure on Perth Drive.

A survey was open from May 19 - June 13, 2022 to learn about whether the community supports replacing the existing downhill bike lane with a sidewalk for the short/medium term. The survey was shared online via email and social media. A letter was also delivered to nearby residents with a link to the survey.

The survey received 76 responses. 64.5% of respondents were in favour of replacing the bike lane on the west side of Perth Drive with a sidewalk. A summary of the comments received from survey respondents is available here. Feedback such as retaining trees, adequate crosswalks, and a lighting review have been included in the design.

An earlier survey on traffic calming and active transportation in the area received 541 responses with 78% of respondents supportive of active transportation improvements on Perth Drive.

Based on the feedback received, the District is proceeding with the project. Budget has been included in the 2023-2027 Financial Plan to build the sidewalk on the west side of Perth Drive. The project will be funded through development cost charges (DCCs) and a grant. Work is anticipated to begin in 2023 pending contractor availability.

In the longer term, when funding is available to upgrade the east side, The District will explore constructing bike lanes on both sides of the street.


In the Spring of 2021 the District conducted a public survey regarding traffic calming and active transportation on Highlands Way North and Perth Drive. Based on the feedback collected in that survey, speed tables have since been installed on Highlands Way North.

The survey also indicated strong public support for active transportation improvements on Perth Drive. At the time of the survey, the proposed design included adding a sidewalk and bike lanes in both directions. Figure 1 shows the initial concept for Perth Drive.

After the survey, the District completed a detailed design for active transportation improvements along Perth Drive. The estimated cost to complete Phase 1 of the work, from the Boulevard to Portree Way, was $1.2M. The District applied for grant funding to begin the proposed improvements, but unfortunately was not successful.

Without the grant funding, the District is not able to complete all of the Phase 1 upgrades within existing budget constraints.

The alternative is to upgrade just the west side of Perth Drive initially. This requires a different design as less space is available. In this design, the existing bike lane on the west side of Perth Drive would be removed and replaced with a sidewalk in the short-to-medium term. Figure 2 provides a visual of this.

In the longer term, when funding is available to upgrade the east side, bike lanes would be constructed on both sides of the street. Figure 3 show a visual of the full build.

If residents are not supportive of replacing the downhill bike lane with a sidewalk, the District would continue to look for options to complete the full build. The timeline for this full upgrade would be dependent on funding becoming available and would be very uncertain.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded. Thank you to everyone who submitted a response.
    Consultation has concluded
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