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Connecting our community for all
What’s Happening Now?
The District of Squamish began developing a Transportation Master Plan in November 2022 and completed a first round of community engagement in January 2023. Thank you to everyone who participated in the first round which helped shape our Draft Plan. We are now in the second round of community engagement, and we need your feedback to help us determine if we’re on the right track.
How Can You Get Involved?
There are several opportunities for you to participate by attending a community event.
Drop by and speak with us at a pop-up or open house:
Pop-Up at Open Street Day: Saturday, July 27 from 10am to 3pm (Cleveland and Winnipeg)
Junction Park Pop-Up: Saturday, August 10 from 10am to 2pm
Brennan Park Open House: Thursday, September 11 from 5pm to 7:30pm in the Black Tusk Room (room to the left as you enter the building)
Take the Survey
Unable to attend an in-person community event? Want to share your thoughts with us? Take the online survey below to provide your feedback.
Deadline:September 15, 2024
Round 1 Community Engagement: What Happened?
The results of the first round, combined with technical analysis, led to a Draft Plan.Thank you to everyone who participated in the first phase of the District's Transportation Master Plan project. From November 2022 - January 2023, we heard from more than 800 people who shared their transportation experiences and ideas to help develop a safe, efficient, and balanced transportation system that meets the needs of our entire community.
Your feedback is valuable in shaping the future of transportation in Squamish.
At this stage of the project, your feedback is important for us to finalize the Draft Plan. After this second round of engagement is complete, we will put together an engagement summary. This summary, which we will share on this Let’s Talk Squamish project page, will highlight the feedback we received and the main themes that came up in the community feedback.
Connecting our community for all
What’s Happening Now?
The District of Squamish began developing a Transportation Master Plan in November 2022 and completed a first round of community engagement in January 2023. Thank you to everyone who participated in the first round which helped shape our Draft Plan. We are now in the second round of community engagement, and we need your feedback to help us determine if we’re on the right track.
How Can You Get Involved?
There are several opportunities for you to participate by attending a community event.
Drop by and speak with us at a pop-up or open house:
Pop-Up at Open Street Day: Saturday, July 27 from 10am to 3pm (Cleveland and Winnipeg)
Junction Park Pop-Up: Saturday, August 10 from 10am to 2pm
Brennan Park Open House: Thursday, September 11 from 5pm to 7:30pm in the Black Tusk Room (room to the left as you enter the building)
Take the Survey
Unable to attend an in-person community event? Want to share your thoughts with us? Take the online survey below to provide your feedback.
Deadline:September 15, 2024
Round 1 Community Engagement: What Happened?
The results of the first round, combined with technical analysis, led to a Draft Plan.Thank you to everyone who participated in the first phase of the District's Transportation Master Plan project. From November 2022 - January 2023, we heard from more than 800 people who shared their transportation experiences and ideas to help develop a safe, efficient, and balanced transportation system that meets the needs of our entire community.
Your feedback is valuable in shaping the future of transportation in Squamish.
At this stage of the project, your feedback is important for us to finalize the Draft Plan. After this second round of engagement is complete, we will put together an engagement summary. This summary, which we will share on this Let’s Talk Squamish project page, will highlight the feedback we received and the main themes that came up in the community feedback.
The District of Squamish began developing a Transportation Master Plan in November 2022 and completed the first round of community consultation in January 2023. More information is available in theWhat We Heard Report. The results of the first consultation, in combination with technical analysis, led to developing a draft plan. This second survey aims to receive feedback on the draft plan’s vision, goals, strategies, and actions to ensure they align with the Squamish community’s objectives and needs.
This survey will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Enter a Community Draw to Win a Prize
Enter your email address at the end of this survey if you would like a chance to win one of three prizes: AirPods or a $150 gift card to a local business. We will contact the lucky winner following the survey's conclusion on September 15, 2024.
There are two ways to complete this survey: online and paper version.
1. Complete the survey online.
2. Print the survey, or request that the District of Squamish print it for you, and submit a physical copy to the District of Squamish Municipal Hall (37955 Second Avenue), the Westwinds Squamish Senior Living (38275 Third Avenue), or 55 Activity Centre (1201 Village Green Way). Please return your completed survey to the front desk at either of these locations.
The deadline to submit this survey is September 15, 2024.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded. It was open from November 21, 2022 - January 18, 2023. Thank you to everyone who participated. Staff are reviewing the results and will share a summary of what we heard with the community.
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