
Emerging Ideas: Mid-Block Connections

7 February 2023


  • Mid-block connections are public pedestrian routes that provide short-cuts through blocks.
  • Mid-block connections can be encouraged on private property through rezoning applications.
  • Mid-block connections could be an appropriate option to increase east-west pedestrian connectivity in the Garibaldi Estates.

Mid-Block Connections

Mid-bock connections are outdoor public pedestrian routes that provide a connection or short-cuts through blocks. Mid-block connections offer an opportunity to break down the scale of long blocks and to create easy connections between residential streets and nearby destinations such as shops and services.

Establishing Mid-Block Connections

Mid-block connections can be encouraged on private properties when landowners apply to change land use or density through rezoning. One approach that can be effective in these situations is the adoption of a density bonus system in the zoning bylaw.

Mid-Block Connection in the Garibaldi Estates

In the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood, the layout of long north-south blocks impacts the convenience of walking routes between residences and services at Garibaldi Village. To address this issue, a density bonus system could be used to incentivize the development of an east-west pedestrian connection between Garibaldi Way (near Read Cres) and the Garibaldi Village commercial area. No specific location for a mid-block connection is proposed at this time; instead, the intention to explore community interest in the concept.

Approximate location of proposed East-West Mid-Block Connection

Mid-Block Connection Characteristics

Several characteristics can make mid-bloc corridors safer, more convenient, and better utilized. Examples of design elements that improve the functionality of these corridors, which could be established as requirements, include the following:

  • Utilize high-quality, durable paving materials.
  • Incorporate seating and landscaping, where suitable.
  • Incorporate creative and interactive programming to animate the space such as public art displays.
  • Provide wayfinding signage and/or crosswalks.
  • Ensure visibility to maximize pedestrian safety and comfort
  • Place lighting at regular intervals and at lower heights to ensure there is no obstruction from neighbouring trees. Ensure fixtures directly light the path and limit the amount of light spilling into neighbouring properties.
  • Ensure connections are wide enough for two people with prams, wheelchairs, or mobility aids to comfortably pass each other without having to brush features along the edges such as fences or hedges. Consider widths of at least 4 to 5 metres.
  • Where appropriate, situate building entrances and windows in facades facing the mid-block connection to activate the streetscape, increase pedestrian activity and increase overlook of the space.

Mid-Block Connection Examples

Emerging Idea: Encourage the creation of mid-block connections to establish an east-west pedestrian cut throughs between Garibaldi Way (near Read Cres) and the Garibaldi Village commercial area.