Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Plan

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June 2024

Stage Four of the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Planning Process

Stage Four of the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Planning Process is set to begin June 12. A draft of the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Plan has been developed following a series of robust engagement events with residents, stakeholders, and governments. The draft plan will be presented to residents and businesses during one of four planned informational/workshop events in June. Residents and interested parties are invited to share their ideas and suggestions on the neighbourhood’s draft policies that will help guide and mitigate the challenges associated with welcoming new people and homes into older neighbourhoods within Squamish. Each session will offer:

  • Information about the draft plan updates with an opportunity to ask questions.
  • A focus on specific neighbourhood areas to support a more in-depth discussion.
  • An opportunity to workshop your ideas on the plan’s policies with your neighbours.
  • An opportunity to discuss potential actions to mitigate both short-term and long-term challenges.

Upcoming workshop events

Where: Saint John The Divine Church, 1930 Diamond Road.

When: Please refer to the map below to identify your relevant residential area.

  • Area 2: Diamond Head Area - Wednesday, June 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. Done!
  • Area 3: Estates Centre - Wednesday, June 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. Done!
  • Area 4: Estates North and East - Wednesday, June 26 from 6 to 8 p.m.
  • Area 1: Commercial area - Thursday, June 27 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. (online). A link to join the event online will be sent to all registered attendees

Please note registration is required. Although we anticipate all interested residents will be accommodated, please note preference for attendance will be given to residents of the area.

Can’t make the event? View a copy of the DRAFT plan and participate in an open discussion in the forum below to share your comments and ideas on the policies within the plan.

Draft Plan Revisions

Please note the following corrections to the draft plan, completed since the initial release on June 10th.

  • The first Commercial Core policy (page 35) was corrected to reference lots on the west side of Highway 99, rather than the east side.
  • Zoning Bylaw Implementation section (page 93) was amended to include the provision of zoning for townhouse uses in the Ground Oriented Residential Area, in alignment with policies in the Ground Oriented Residential section (page 39).

Building a Neighbourhood Plan:

Neighbourhood Considerations by DOS Communications

Phase 4 resources:

January, 2024

Update Regarding Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Planning Process

We appreciate your patience while we have been working to develop a draft plan for the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood, based on the results of Stage 3 of the planning process in the spring of this year. We understand that planning for your neighbourhood has been a challenging exercise as we together, as a community, contemplate the complexity of affordability, livability, and community growth, in addition to preserving neighborhood character as best as possible. As we continue the neighbourhood planning process, we are committed to transparency.

Drafting the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Plan is an intricate process and is requiring extra time. There are many considerations to incorporate including access, servicing, and design requirements for the various changes in land uses.

In late 2023, the Provincial Government passed legislation to support the Homes for People program: Bill 44 (Small Scale, Multi-Unit Housing), Bill 46 (Development Charges), and Bill 47 (Transit Oriented Development). Policy guidance and supporting technical documents were released by the Province in December 2023. This legislation outlines significant changes to municipal authority intended to support the expansion of housing supply within the province to ensure that a range of "missing middle" housing options are accessible in all communities, including in areas currently zoned for traditional single-family housing. The inevitable requirements and timelines established by the province means that these new requirements will need to be integrated within the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Plan.

Meanwhile, we are interested to know what your questions are about the provincial zoning changes in order to inform our communications planning around these BC-wide changes. This will help us shape District information to complement what we expect the province will provide.

What are your questions about the upcoming provincial zoning? Share these with us here.

The District of Squamish is developing a neighbourhood plan for the Garibaldi Estates. The goal for the neighbourhood plan is to develop a vision for the future of the Garibaldi Estates over the next 20 years. We want to hear from Squamish residents to create a plan that is a good fit for the neighbourhood, improves the livability of the area, and supports larger community goals outlined in the OCP.

Stage 3 Engagement Activities have concluded and results were presented to Council on May 9th, 2023.

Results of Stage 3 land use scenarios engagement can be found in the Land Use Scenarios Engagement Summary.

The results of the land use scenarios engagement were presented to Council at the May 9, 2023 Committee of the Whole Meeting at which time Council directed staff to begin working on a draft neighborhood plan in Stage 4 of the planning process based on the following direction:

  • Include proposed guiding principles with the addition of principles focused on neighbourhood design, and infrastructure.
  • For the Commercial sub area incorporate Scenario B
  • For the Diamond Head North sub area incorporate Scenario C
  • For the Estates North sub area incorporate Scenario C
  • For the Diamond Head South sub area incorporate Scenario C
  • For the Estates Centre use sub area incorporate Scenario C
  • For the Estates East use sub area incorporate a hybrid of Scenarios A & B
  • Incorporate Emerging Ideas as presented to the community under the following topics:
    • Transportation
    • Parks & Public Outdoor Space
    • Childcare
    • Mamquam Community Garden
    • Accessory Commercial Units
    • Tree Canopy Protection
    • Mid-Block Connections
  • Explore opportunities to ensure a diverse range of housing forms that deliver on critical housing priorities are financially viable, as recommended by the Squamish Community Housing Society.

The project in now in Stage 4. Staff are working on a draft neighbourhood plan based on the direction received from Council.

June 2024

Stage Four of the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Planning Process

Stage Four of the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Planning Process is set to begin June 12. A draft of the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Plan has been developed following a series of robust engagement events with residents, stakeholders, and governments. The draft plan will be presented to residents and businesses during one of four planned informational/workshop events in June. Residents and interested parties are invited to share their ideas and suggestions on the neighbourhood’s draft policies that will help guide and mitigate the challenges associated with welcoming new people and homes into older neighbourhoods within Squamish. Each session will offer:

  • Information about the draft plan updates with an opportunity to ask questions.
  • A focus on specific neighbourhood areas to support a more in-depth discussion.
  • An opportunity to workshop your ideas on the plan’s policies with your neighbours.
  • An opportunity to discuss potential actions to mitigate both short-term and long-term challenges.

Upcoming workshop events

Where: Saint John The Divine Church, 1930 Diamond Road.

When: Please refer to the map below to identify your relevant residential area.

  • Area 2: Diamond Head Area - Wednesday, June 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. Done!
  • Area 3: Estates Centre - Wednesday, June 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. Done!
  • Area 4: Estates North and East - Wednesday, June 26 from 6 to 8 p.m.
  • Area 1: Commercial area - Thursday, June 27 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. (online). A link to join the event online will be sent to all registered attendees

Please note registration is required. Although we anticipate all interested residents will be accommodated, please note preference for attendance will be given to residents of the area.

Can’t make the event? View a copy of the DRAFT plan and participate in an open discussion in the forum below to share your comments and ideas on the policies within the plan.

Draft Plan Revisions

Please note the following corrections to the draft plan, completed since the initial release on June 10th.

  • The first Commercial Core policy (page 35) was corrected to reference lots on the west side of Highway 99, rather than the east side.
  • Zoning Bylaw Implementation section (page 93) was amended to include the provision of zoning for townhouse uses in the Ground Oriented Residential Area, in alignment with policies in the Ground Oriented Residential section (page 39).

Building a Neighbourhood Plan:

Neighbourhood Considerations by DOS Communications

Phase 4 resources:

January, 2024

Update Regarding Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Planning Process

We appreciate your patience while we have been working to develop a draft plan for the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood, based on the results of Stage 3 of the planning process in the spring of this year. We understand that planning for your neighbourhood has been a challenging exercise as we together, as a community, contemplate the complexity of affordability, livability, and community growth, in addition to preserving neighborhood character as best as possible. As we continue the neighbourhood planning process, we are committed to transparency.

Drafting the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Plan is an intricate process and is requiring extra time. There are many considerations to incorporate including access, servicing, and design requirements for the various changes in land uses.

In late 2023, the Provincial Government passed legislation to support the Homes for People program: Bill 44 (Small Scale, Multi-Unit Housing), Bill 46 (Development Charges), and Bill 47 (Transit Oriented Development). Policy guidance and supporting technical documents were released by the Province in December 2023. This legislation outlines significant changes to municipal authority intended to support the expansion of housing supply within the province to ensure that a range of "missing middle" housing options are accessible in all communities, including in areas currently zoned for traditional single-family housing. The inevitable requirements and timelines established by the province means that these new requirements will need to be integrated within the Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Plan.

Meanwhile, we are interested to know what your questions are about the provincial zoning changes in order to inform our communications planning around these BC-wide changes. This will help us shape District information to complement what we expect the province will provide.

What are your questions about the upcoming provincial zoning? Share these with us here.

The District of Squamish is developing a neighbourhood plan for the Garibaldi Estates. The goal for the neighbourhood plan is to develop a vision for the future of the Garibaldi Estates over the next 20 years. We want to hear from Squamish residents to create a plan that is a good fit for the neighbourhood, improves the livability of the area, and supports larger community goals outlined in the OCP.

Stage 3 Engagement Activities have concluded and results were presented to Council on May 9th, 2023.

Results of Stage 3 land use scenarios engagement can be found in the Land Use Scenarios Engagement Summary.

The results of the land use scenarios engagement were presented to Council at the May 9, 2023 Committee of the Whole Meeting at which time Council directed staff to begin working on a draft neighborhood plan in Stage 4 of the planning process based on the following direction:

  • Include proposed guiding principles with the addition of principles focused on neighbourhood design, and infrastructure.
  • For the Commercial sub area incorporate Scenario B
  • For the Diamond Head North sub area incorporate Scenario C
  • For the Estates North sub area incorporate Scenario C
  • For the Diamond Head South sub area incorporate Scenario C
  • For the Estates Centre use sub area incorporate Scenario C
  • For the Estates East use sub area incorporate a hybrid of Scenarios A & B
  • Incorporate Emerging Ideas as presented to the community under the following topics:
    • Transportation
    • Parks & Public Outdoor Space
    • Childcare
    • Mamquam Community Garden
    • Accessory Commercial Units
    • Tree Canopy Protection
    • Mid-Block Connections
  • Explore opportunities to ensure a diverse range of housing forms that deliver on critical housing priorities are financially viable, as recommended by the Squamish Community Housing Society.

The project in now in Stage 4. Staff are working on a draft neighbourhood plan based on the direction received from Council.

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
  • Stage 4 DRAFT Neighbourhood Plan

    22 days ago
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    Welcome to the Stage 4 Draft Neighbourhood Plan Open Forum. Leave your comments below and discuss with fellow participants regarding your thoughts, ideas, and feedback on the policies within the draft neighbourhood plan.

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Page last updated: 20 Jun 2024, 07:41 PM