- Ride hailing and shared mobility options becoming more prevalent;
- Improved access to electric bikes and scooters;
- Design guidance evolving to better prioritise the safety of people walking and cycling; and
- Larger trends such as climate change, technological advancements and affordability increasingly affecting our day-to-day transportation choices.
Why do we need to develop a Transportation Master Plan?
Improve our transportation networks
Our transportation system needs to adapt to changing land use patterns, growth, community objectives, and evolving transportation choices. Our transportation system includes road, transit, and active transportation networks (i.e., networks for people walking or riding a bike). The road, transit, and active transportation networks must be safe, convenient, and comfortable enough to enable people to choose the mode of transport they want. The goal is to ensure people don’t need to rely on just one mode of transport because other modes aren’t safe or have critical missing links. When we create complete and connected transportation networks, the livability of the community improves, and the transportation system better supports larger community objectives.
Create a climate friendly transportation system
With this updated Plan, we seek to promote active transportation and transit which can lower greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe) and create healthier communities. Vehicle transportation currently makes up most community GHGe (approximately 52%). The plan will provide climate-friendly transportation options in alignment with our Community Climate Action Plan.
Provide accessible and affordable transportation options
We want to provide accessible and affordable options to support walking, riding bikes, rolling, and public transit use. These options reduce the burden that transportation costs have on a household, can increase community health and wellbeing, and provide opportunities to reduce our GHGe.
Does the District have a transportation plan currently?
In 2011, the District of Squamish completed a Multi-Modal Transportation Plan (MMTP) that set a vision for transportation planning and identified priorities for the District to provide an effective transportation system that met community objectives in consideration of planned community growth to 2031. The plan was comprehensive in its scope and considered transportation from private passenger vehicles, carpooling, commercial vehicles, public transit, cyclists, and pedestrians while also considering connectivity between various neighbourhoods within Squamish and connectivity to communities beyond Squamish’s borders.
Since preparation of the original MMTP, the District has become one of the fastest growing communities in British Columbia and has seen significant growth and changes. Furthermore, transportation trends and preferences are evolving with services such as:
This new Transportation Master Plan will consider the current community context and extends the planning horizon to 2040 in line with the Official Community Plan and other plans and policies. For more information, click here